Welcome to First Grade!
Week of 12/16 Homework
- Math pg 239+240
- Read 20 Min
- Math pg 245 + 246
- Read 20 Min
- Subtraction worksheet
- Read 20 Min
- Read 20 Min
- Merry Christmas!
- Happy New Year!
Upcoming Dates
This week..
Week of December 16th
Math:This week we'll learn our last subtraction strategy by breaking apart numbers to make it easier to subtract before reviewing the strategies we've learned. Our chapter 4 test will be Thursday!
Reading: Our students will test what they have learned in fiction so far and then we will continue reading out loud and in our head with expression! We'll also focus on characters this week as well as using sensory words when we write and read to express.
Spelling: We will be reviewing our long /i/, /a/, and /o/ words using our magic /e/ at the end this week. There will be no spelling test.
Writing: Our students will use the writing skills we've learned to do fun holiday writing or writing that stems from our science unit about reindeers this week!
Social Studies: We will continue our reindeer study as we learn about the parts of a reindeer as well as their life cycle. At the end of the week we'll do festive cookie decorating to take home for the holidays!
Looking Ahead for Next Week
Contact Us!
Mrs. Shannon - snoyes@koraes.org
Mrs. Pam- pkostopoulos@koraes.org
Presvytera (Art, Greek, & Religion)- galilakos@koraes.org
Mrs. Panos (Greek) -npanos@koraes.org
Mrs. Kolovos (Gym) - kkolovos@koraes.org
Mrs. Lind- blind@koraes.org
Greek Class
Presvytera's class:
- The only homework this week is to practice for the OXI Day program.