Week of 3/10 Homework


  • Spelling wksht
  • Read 20 Min
  • Panos: Packet due Friday along with Spelling test and Reading Quiz


    • Place Value Wksht 
    • Read 20 Min
    • Panos: Packet due Friday along with Spelling test and Reading Quiz


    • 10's and 1's wksht
    • Read 20 Min
    • Panos:Packet due Friday along with Spelling test and Reading Quiz


    • Spelling wksht 
    • Read 20 Min
    • Panos: Packet due Friday along with Spelling test and Reading Quiz


    • IXL
    • Read 20 Minutes

    Upcoming Dates

    Feb 17 - No School (President's Day)
    Feb 18 - No School (Teacher Institute Day)
    Feb 20 - SPIRITWEAR DAY!
    Feb 25 - Shedd Aquarium field trip 2nd & 5th grade
    Mar 1 - New Families Registration Opens Online!!!
    Mar 3 - Liturgy (Church uniform); Lenten Dinner @ 5pm
    Mar 10 - March Birthday Dress Down Day
    Mar 11 Wonder Works Children's Museum field trip Preschool to 1st grade
    Mar 12 - Liturgy (Church uniform)
    Mar 14 - Career Day
    Mar 18 8th Grade Graduation Pictures
    Mar 21 - SPIRITWEAR DAY!
    Mar 24-28 - NO SCHOOL ~ SPRING BREAK

    This week..

    Week of March 10th

    Math: This week we conclude our chapter on place value by reviewing with games and whole class practice before taking our test on Thursday. After that we'll play a game to practice our math facts recall. 

    Reading: We continue with non-fiction by looking at how the features help us while reading the books. This includes the table of contents and the photo and labels. We'll also practice identifying nouns, verbs, and adjectives in a given sentence. 

    Spelling: Our spelling focus will be "bossy r" words starting with the /ar/ spelling pattern.  

    Writing: We'll reflect after our field trip experience in our writing before beginning to learn about writing all about non-fiction books. This will start by practicing learning what a fact is and how to find one in a non-fiction book. 

    Science: We'll design a t-shirt for the fun run contest before using the rest of this week to learn about the moon and its phases. We'll be making a book then using different textures to imitate the moon phases. 

    Looking Ahead for Next Week

    Parent Teacher Conferences: Our second round of parent teacher conferences will be held on March 6, 7, and from the 10-14. These are optional and only scheduled on request from either me or if you'd like to meet to discuss your student's progress. If you have not received an e-mail from me requesting a conference, I do not need to meet with you unless you wish to. If you're interested please let me know so we can find a time that works best for you. These conferences will be virtual unless otherwise requested. 
    Field Trip: Our next field trip will be on March 11th to the WonderWorks children's museum. Chaperones have been chosen for this field trip so if you put down you're interested but did not receive an e-mail earlier this week, I thank you for your kindness but you were not chosen for this field trip. We will not be eating lunch on this field trip but students are encouraged to bring a snack to choose if they'd like to eat it or not during the field trip. Here is the link to pay for your student's field trip fee. Please keep an eye out for the e-mail next week with more details on the trip. 
    Technology: With our increase in technology usage, please ensure your child has a working pair of headphones and mouse for use. If you are unsure, please ask me or your student. 
    Timelines: Thank you for working so hard on the timelines, they look great! I'm excited to have our students presenting them on Monday. If you have not turned it in today, please send it with your student as soon as possible so they can be included in the presentations as well. 
    Lent: The time of lent has come and this means some changes. We will be practicing calmer bodies, more mindful thinking and decision making, and the foods we eat might be different. For more information and tips, please see the letter sent home from Father Chris. 
    Church: Our next church service will be Monday, March 3rd. This is a prayer service (previously a liturgy) so normal school uniform is fine :)
    IXL: Please ensure to keep up on IXL's at home when possible. It is a great supplemental tool to enhance their learning, support them on what we have learned, and challenge them when we're ready. We are able to import their MAP scores dinto IXL so we can assign them specifically what they need for areas of support as well as support for what we're learning in the classroom. 
    Spiritwear Day: Our next spiritwear day will be on Friday, March 7th. Students may wear any Koraes themed tops and bottoms. Regular school uniform is expected otherwise. 
    Hot Lunch: I've included the hot lunch menu for March. If you are interested, please 
    submit an order here. Please note that hot lunch will close the Thursday before the start of the following week at 5pm. If you miss this deadline you can still order lunch at an additional cost. Please email with your order to latelunchorder@gmail.com. Just in case it is best to send your students with some extra snacks in their lunchbox in the chance they don't like their hot lunch. 

    Contact Us!

    Mrs. Shannon - snoyes@koraes.org

    Mrs. Pam- pkostopoulos@koraes.org 

    Presvytera (Art, Greek, & Religion)- galilakos@koraes.org

    Mrs. Panos (Greek) -npanos@koraes.org 

    Mrs. Kolovos (Gym) - kkolovos@koraes.org

    Mrs. Lind- blind@koraes.org

    Greek Class


    Presvytera's class:

    • The only homework this week is to practice for the OXI Day program.
