Welcome to First Grade!
Week of 3/10 Homework
- Spelling wksht
- Read 20 Min
- Panos: Packet due Friday along with Spelling test and Reading Quiz
- Place Value Wksht
- Read 20 Min
- Panos: Packet due Friday along with Spelling test and Reading Quiz
- 10's and 1's wksht
- Read 20 Min
- Panos:Packet due Friday along with Spelling test and Reading Quiz
- Spelling wksht
- Read 20 Min
- Panos: Packet due Friday along with Spelling test and Reading Quiz
- Read 20 Minutes
Upcoming Dates
This week..
Week of March 10th
Math: This week we conclude our chapter on place value by reviewing with games and whole class practice before taking our test on Thursday. After that we'll play a game to practice our math facts recall.
Reading: We continue with non-fiction by looking at how the features help us while reading the books. This includes the table of contents and the photo and labels. We'll also practice identifying nouns, verbs, and adjectives in a given sentence.
Spelling: Our spelling focus will be "bossy r" words starting with the /ar/ spelling pattern.
Writing: We'll reflect after our field trip experience in our writing before beginning to learn about writing all about non-fiction books. This will start by practicing learning what a fact is and how to find one in a non-fiction book.
Science: We'll design a t-shirt for the fun run contest before using the rest of this week to learn about the moon and its phases. We'll be making a book then using different textures to imitate the moon phases.
Looking Ahead for Next Week
Contact Us!
Mrs. Shannon - snoyes@koraes.org
Mrs. Pam- pkostopoulos@koraes.org
Presvytera (Art, Greek, & Religion)- galilakos@koraes.org
Mrs. Panos (Greek) -npanos@koraes.org
Mrs. Kolovos (Gym) - kkolovos@koraes.org
Mrs. Lind- blind@koraes.org
Greek Class
Presvytera's class:
- The only homework this week is to practice for the OXI Day program.