Our Program

Every member of our close-knit community is treated as they are meant to be: as a child of God. We offer a welcoming community of love, in which we trust and motivate one another.
All curriculum is outlined in greater detail and available in the Koraes office upon request.

Our Prekindergarten program focuses on the individual needs of each child, allowing educators to differentiate instruction based on age and skill. The Pre Kindergarten program follow the Illinois Early Learning Standards.
Students receive Greek language instruction daily, religion weekly and PE twice a week.

Primary-Intermediate Grades: K - 5
Special attention is given to the development of the following skill areas: reading, writing, mathematics, critical thinking, and oral/written expression in a setting that supports differentiated instruction. Students participate in daily Greek language instruction and art and religion weekly. PE is offered 4x weekly with an integration of health units. Technology is integrated in the classroom subjects. Character Education is taught weekly.

Middle School: 6 - 8
The focus of the upper grade program is to provide a strong college preparatory education and to prepare students academically for entry into high school. Students participate in daily Greek language instruction and PE is offered 4x weekly with an integration of health units. Technology is integrated in the classroom subjects. Character Education is taught weekly.
Organizational Flow Chart