Parent Resources
- Daily Self-Certification Before Attending School
- MAP Growth - Terms and Definitions
- 2024-2025 School Uniform Guide
- 2024-2025 Volunteer Policy Consent Form
- 2024-2025 Community Service Form
- 2024-2025 Extended Absence Form
- 2024-2025 Before & After Care Form
- 2024-2025 Volunteer Requirement Information
- 2024-2025 Hot Lunch Liability Waiver Form
- ISBE Sexual Abuse Resource Guide
- Powerschool Account
- Institutional Program Description
- Policies for the safety of youth and children
- Video Surveillance Policy
- KES Letter Sexual Education Standards
- Asbestos Report 2022
- Parent Guardian Code of Conduct 2021
Families can order milk for each student in the beginning of the school year for the whole year. Milk is available during lunch every day, Monday to Friday.
Hot Lunch
Starting Tuesday, January 7th, Country House will be providing Hot Lunch service to Koraes on a daily basis. We are excited for this opportunity.
Please note:
Monday January 6th - Hot Lunch will be provided by the School Board and Vasilopita has been generously donated by a family who wishes to remain anonymous. We are excited to welcome the New Year (see flier). If your student will be eating the School Board provided lunch--please place order on PT Board.
Country House Hot Lunch service begins Tuesday January 7th. Orders must be submitted by Thursday January 2nd for the week of January 7th (order via PT Board). Hot Lunch calendar attached.
Please note going forward all hot lunch orders must be placed by the Thursday prior to each week--if you do not order on time you can place a same day order by emailing until 5am the day of the lunch. Late lunch orders will cost an additional $2 and you will be invoiced for the total. Late lunch orders are those placed Friday to Wednesday.
Ms. Despina will NOT TAKE LATE orders. If you email her regarding hot lunch, your student WILL NOT HAVE A LUNCH provided. You must email by 5am the day of the lunch. We can not accept any orders past 5am.

Before Care and After Care Policy for 2024-2025
Koraes Elementary School offers Before and After Care for our students, preschool through grade 8. Our Before Care program is available from 7:30 until 8:15, and our After Care program is available from 3:31- 4:30. There are days throughout the school year when it will not be offered. Those dates will be posted in Notables.
Parents can choose to register for Before and After Care for the entire school year and receive those services at a reduced rate. To be fully registered a $50 NON REFUNDABLE family registration fee along with the registration form must be received on or before August 23rd. Registration fee for Before/After Care increases to $100 per family after August 23rd.
Parents who do not register in advance and only use Before or After Care infrequently will be assessed the drop in rate of $25 per child per session.
ALL PARENTS: After Care starts at EXACTLY 3:31. Teachers are not contractually obligated to stay later than 3:30, unless it is their day to work after care. Students will not be sent to the office to wait for a late pick up arrival.
Any student remaining at 3:31 will be escorted to After Care and signed in. Parents will be responsible for drop in payment if they are not already registered for the After Care program.
2024-2025 Fee Schedule:
Family registration fee on or before August 23, 2024 $50 per family
Family registration fee after August 23, 2024 $100 per family
1 child or two children one session $275/each child for the year one session before or after
1 child or two children both sessions $500/each child for the year
3 or more children one session $265/each child for the year one session before or after
3 or more children both sessions $480/each child for the year
Drop In Rate Before Care or After Care Regardless of time spent in session $25/per child
Late Pickup Penalty Fee Students remaining after 4:30 are given a 5 minute grace period. Students remaining after 4:35 will be charged a late pickup penalty fee regardless of if they are registered for the program or paying the drop in rate. $35/per child/per day
Drop in fees and late pick up fees will be added to FACTS account the Monday following each week.
The first Before/After Care and late fees would post to FACTS Monday, August 26th.